Effective selling – Increasing sale success

The purpose of this workshop is to aid delegates in their understanding of how their unique preferences and characteristics impact on how they sell. The key areas for considerations are:

  • Who am I? What are my strengths and weaknesses in selling?
  • How do my customers perceive me?
  • How can I better understand my customer’s style?
  • How does my customer’s style relate to me?
  • How do I need to adapt my behaviour so I can more effectively influence a customer?

In this workshop you learn more than just an understanding of the ‘steps of the sale’, you will learn to really recognise how the salesperson can make the difference that makes the difference. We maintain that ‘people buy from people’; they want to buy from someone who they have rapport with and who they perceive to be like them. This work shop is designed to help you, as the sales person, to recognise where your own strengths and weaknesses impact on the sales cycle. For example, if a sales person is very capable in building a relationship with a client in the sales sitution but forgets to follow up on promises made to the client then their ability to be successful is lessened. They might not even be aware of this and attribute the fact that they do not succeed to external factors such as price, product, competitors etc. Therefore, raising self-awareness will identify where each individual sales person can easily focus some of their efforts for greater rewards.

In this workshop you will receive a detailed profile analysis focussing on your sales skills.

Refreshments and lunch are included in the fee. Accommodation and/or organisation of accommodation is not included.

Effective selling – Increasing sale success

  • Place: Werkheim, Planckstr. 13, 22765 Hamburg
  • Date: Th, 22.11.2012, 09.00 a.m. – 16.30 p.m.
    Fr, 23.11.2012, 09.00 a.m. – 16.30 p.m
  • Participation fee: 590 € (plus VAT)


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