Opposites attract – the casting dilemma

Our perceptions of the world and the other people in our lives are affected by our past experiences, our expectations, and where we place our attention. We also project our individual concerns and our ‘other self’ onto the external world. This can result in perceiving others as difficult but not quite understanding why, which can cause, in the very least, uncomfortable situations in the workplace.

Your ‘difficult person’ may have the opposite character to your conscious self. Your ‘opposite type’ is the person who is psychologically very different to you – in fact they show completely opposite behaviours and preferences and ways in which they deal with the world.

Alternatively, you may consider somebody ‘difficult’ because they are in fact too much like you. You both share the same ‘blind spots’ and as such you may see aspects of yourself in them that you do not particularly like and as a result clash with them.

Or, it may be that your ‘difficult person’ is neither psychologically opposite or the same as you. Instead they may simply prefer to deal with things in a different way to way.

To complicate matters the processes of perceiving other people and the reasons we form opinions of them often goes on at an unconscious level.

Consider now – are they truly ‘difficult’ or is this view a product of your perceptions and projections? This is one of the discoveries you will explore in this workshop. The concept of projection is explored and applied to any person that you have difficulties with no matter who they are.

As part of this workshop you will receive an individual profile analysis. This will help to understand how your perception influences your perception of others. This information will improve your interaction with others – whether in the workplace or in the private context.

Refreshments and lunch are included in the fee. Accommodation and/or organisation of accommodation is not included.

Opposites attract – the casting dilemma

  • Place: Werkheim, Planckstr. 13, 22765 Hamburg
  • Date: Fr, 14.12.2012, 09.00 a.m. – 16.30 p.m.
    Sa, 15.12.2012, 10.00 a.m. – 15.30 p.m.
  • Participation fee: 570 € (plus VAT)


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