Working in Germany

Germany has a strong economic power and offers a variety of different career and job opportunities. However, it is not always easy to get to them. The process of applying for jobs in Germany differs quite remarkably from other countries.

This workshop aims to highlight the expectations and realities of the German application process. For example, it might seem strange and unfair to send a picture of yourself with your application. But this is how it is in Germany. Formulating a job application as you know it from your home country may result the HR-Departments discarding it at first glance. And this may not have anything to do with your background, but simply because of the way you present the details in your CV. German applications are generally more detailed than many other countries. It is expected that you provide as much relevant information as possible. If you would like to get job in Germany you have to know the expectations and abide by the, often, unspoken rules.

In this workshop we give you an overview of what is expected in the application process and highlight important factors that need to be considered when working or applying for a job in Germany.

Working in Germany

  • Place: Werkheim, Planckstr. 13, 22765 Hamburg
  • Date: Tu, 04.12.2012, 19.00 – 21.00 p.m.
  • Participation fee: 50 € (incl. VAT)


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